
Shifting Light

Sunday 1 October 2017

I'm surprised when I click on my blog and see how many days have passed between posts.
This trend has not been a conscious decision. 
Not having a camera definitely contributed to it, as does the encroachment of 
Dietland preproduction on my schedule.
And there's another factor:
The domestic and global upheaval in our world, underscored by daily calamitous breaking news stories makes it harder to write trivial bucolic posts.
The world has changed since I started this blog.  
I've changed.
But this period also coincides with a new richness in my life and level of gratification
that hushes my need for introspection.
I forge on, trying to hone my voice, my eye in an every changing time, internally and externally. 
I will continue to document and see what emerges.

That brings me to today. 
First Sunday in October.
Nine days before I leave for NY.
So much to do, to organize, to pack.
I give in to living in a transitional space.
After hours of filling cardboard boxes with accumulated stuff.
I take a much needed break, a few hours dedicated to forgetting everything that has to be done.
We take a late afternoon walk in the warm light with our cameras.
We laugh.  He really makes me laugh.  And smile.  Lots.

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