
Kerry James Marshall

Saturday 22 April 2017

According to Kerry James Marshall, "the thing that has the
greatest transformative capacity in the art world today,
in terms of what people expect to see when they go to the art museum,
is a painting that has a black figure in it, because 95 percent
of all other paintings you see are going to have white figures in them.
The whole history of representation is built on the
representation of white folks.
Now, all of that stuff is good, so you have to figure out how to
get good like that,
and then get in there on the terms that are relevant for now."

Marshall's work has exceeded good.
His retrospective at MOCA introduced me to his body of work.
Layers and layers of symbolism
reference slavery, black history in America, master painters and inequality.
His palette is arresting, as is his message.

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