
Carizzo Plain

Saturday 8 April 2017

The promise of unending fields of wildflowers
motivated us to set the alarm for 7am on a Saturday morning 
and embark on a 3 hour road trip to Carizzo Plain.
The hyped superbloom did not disappoint.
In fact, it surmounted expectations with patchwork hills in yellow and purple,
acres of swaying grasses, and glorious clouds casting shadows across the plains. 
After a late afternoon hike in the Tembler Range
we were ready for a picnic dinner at the only motel for miles.
Positive yelp reviews described the accommodations as charming and rustic.
At 6pm our room still wasn't cleaned which was shocking
because when we finally checking in after a picnic in the car,
the bathroom floor was littered with trash, the tub was etched with a grimy stain, and the 
threadbare sheets looked soiled.
I don't need fancy, but I do need clean and mattress with a set of springs.
A romantic evening in a quaint motel turned into a three hour drive back to Hollywood.
Glitches happen, a good test for how we deal with the unexpected.  
We both rolled with it, not willing to let the extraordinary day with Mother Nature
be dampened by a seedy motel and creepy concierge .

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