The best collection of our favorite Christmas jokes share or send with your friends, family members or special person. Here you will find a wide cool santa jokes and christmas jokes for you to enjoy, use, and forward.
What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
Ice Crispies.
What do you get when you cross an archer with a gift-wrapper?
Ribbon hood.
Q. What do you get if you cross mistletoe and a duck?
A. A Christmas Quacker.
Q. What do call Santa when he stops moving?
A. Santa Pause!
Q. Where does a snowman keep his money?
A. In a snow bank.
Q. Why do mummies like Christmas so much?
A. Because of all the wrapping!
-Knock knock
*Who's there?
*Mary who?
-Merry Christmas
Knock, knock
Who's there?
Chris who?
The 4 stages of life:
1. You believe in Santa Claus
2. You don’t believe in Santa Claus
3. You dress up as Santa Claus
4. You look like Santa Claus
How does Santa sing the alphabet?
A B C D E F G...
Oh!, Oh!, Oh!,
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z!
What do you call a kid who doesn't believe in Santa?
A rebel without a Claus.
What do you call a kid who doesn't believe in Santa?
A rebel without a Claus.
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